Running In Heels Half Marathon Training Plan

I have something exciting to share with you guys today.. any guesses as to what it might be?!


If you completely ignored the title of this post and guessed “a new breakfast recipe” then you weren’t completely wrong! Because I do have a delcious new breakfast recipe to share with you first 🙂

This morning I woke up craving oatmeal, so I got right to it and whipped up this delicious new recipe:

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Oatmeal


 1/2 cup old-fashioned oats

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1 cup water

2 tsp chocolate chips

4-5 strawberries, sliced

1.) Combine oats, almond milk and water in a pot and simmer on medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

2.) Remove pot from heat and allow oats to sit for three minutes to thicken further.

3.) Mix 1 tsp of chocolate chips into the oats, and stir until completely melted.

4.) Pour oats into a bowl and top with remaining teaspoon of chocolate chips and strawberries.

5.) ENJOY 🙂

The extra liquid and longer cook time makes the oats expand, and I enjoyed a large bowl of Chocolate Covered Strawberry Oats for breakfast this morning.. so good!

ImageDefinitely a breakfast success.


After class this morning, I headed to the gym to complete 6 miles on the treadmill. My motivation this morning definitely came from finally getting the opportunity to wear this outfit that my FAVORITE COUSIN EVER bought me for Christmas. Thanks Lauren!


Please ignore the worlds dirtiest mirror.

I’ve worn the shorts before and I love them (can’t go wrong with Nike tempos), but I haven’t had the opportunity to wear the top until now because they usually keep my gym at an ungodly hot temperature and I refuse to wear anything besides tank tops in there.


Thankfully they’ve turned the temps way down, and I know longer feel like I’m going to have a heat stroke at any moment.

I guess it’s probably about time that I get to the point of this post, which is my new Running In Heels Half Marathon Training Plan!! I’m really excited about this, because I’ve been working on it for a while and I’m finally ready to show you guys! So here it is!


Take it into consideration that I’m not an expert running coach or anything, but I have completed about four different half marathon training plans, and one full marathon training plan, so I’m pretty familiar with how to get ready for a big race by now!

To create this plan, I combined a few of my previous half marathon training plans and also added a few of my own ideas.

I have always been a person who likes to do their long runs on Saturdays, because I love having Sunday as a rest day. Especially during football season. Like I’m going to miss a Packer game to run 11 miles? Please.

ImageBut if you aren’t a good person a Packer fan, or you just like to do your long runs on Sundays, just move every workout a day forward, or adjust the plan however you would like 🙂 It’s pretty flexible.

I’m going to be starting the plan next Monday, and I’ll be posting my runs daily, so let me know what you guys think of the plan, or feel free to ask me any questions you might have about it! I’m all ears!

Tell Me: Are you currently training for any races? What training plans do you usually use (if any)?

47 thoughts on “Running In Heels Half Marathon Training Plan

  1. This looks like a great training plan! I’m looking forward to read about where you’re taking it 🙂 You’re going to rock it!!

  2. You ROCK for posting this. I was honestly just thinking about signing up for the Detroit half marathon in the fall….I think this is a sign. ‘Aint nobody got time for that’ is one of my favorite things that has ever been on the Internet.

  3. LOVE the chocolate covered strawberries oatmeal idea, I usually add 1/2 tbsp of nutella to my oats and strawberries to achieve that. I’m currently training for the disney princess Half (but I think you knew that) and I LOVE doing my long runs on Saturdays too. Weren’t Sundays designed for us to be lazy/dead? Because that’s what I use my Sundays for..and to eat all the food in my house. I’ve been following the Hal Higdon Novice 2 plan. I somehow am a week ahead in my training (when I started a week left) BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE MY LIFE TOGETHER, OBVIOUSLY, but I’m feeling good about the race. I just wanna finish and pose with my fellow princesses.

    • I have done that same plan and I loved it! It worked really well for me! And I totally agree with you, Sundays are totally for being lazy/dead/eating all of the food in the house.. hahah! You’re gonna rock the Disney half! I just know it!

  4. I like that your plan goes all the way up to 13 miles before the race. I did Hal Higdon’s plan for my first and only half. It was good, especially since I was a beginner at the time, but on race day, I was still slightly worried that I’d make it to 13.1 since I had only gone to 11 maybe?

    Obviously, I made it. But I think that’s something I would change about my next training plan.

    Good luck with training! I’m looking forward to reading about it.

    P.S. LOVE the photo of the “ain’t nobody got time for that” lady. So funny!

    • I did Hal’s for my first half too and I only got to ten miles. He said you were just supposed to let the adrenaline take you the extra 3.1, but I like having done it once before the race, just to be as prepared as possible 🙂

  5. Which half are you doing?! I start my training for the WI half this Monday too. Pretty excited about it. I just formulated my own plan too by adding some in together and adding speedwork to get to my goal.

    Do you run at the SERF? That place is/was hell on earth I swear.

    • I’m probably going to do the Oshkosh half again, because I LOVED it last year! I am definitely thinking about the WI half too though! So many options!

      I hate the SERF! AHaha so funny that you said that!

  6. Nice plan!! I leave my training up to smart coach over at! My Sunday runs started at 10 and 11 miles but are now at 12 for one more week and 13 for 3 weeks. If I am feeling food on Sundays though I’ll just run 13 for shits and giggles!

    What race did you sign up for?!

    • You are a rockstar!! I don’t know if I could ever run 13 just for shits and giggles 🙂 And I’m thinking about signing up for the same race I did last April, the Oshkosh half because I LOVED IT!

  7. This is so great! I want to run a half marathon next February (so I’ve got a little over a year!) and I am the definition of a non-runner! I started a C25K program (I’m supposed to be at 2.25miles by the end of this week… 3.1 within two weeks I think) – do you think I should do a 5K to 10K program before I start yours? (I saw there were similar apps for them) I’m hoping a year is enough time to go from not running at all to running 13 miles LOL what do you think?

    • Are you talking about the couch to 5k program? Because that is exactly what I was going to recommend as far as getting started goes! When I first started running, I ran a bunch of 5k’s, and one 10k before my half marathon, and that was what worked best for me! If you’re not used to running over 3 miles at a time, I would recommend doing the couch to 5k plan (or another 5k plan) until you are comfortable with running 3 miles, then starting my program after that! Thankfully, my plan has a 5k and 10k in it, so you will have the option of experiencing those races before then! But you definitely have time to follow a 5k or 10k plan before doing mine since you have about a year to train! I recommend the Hal Higdon training plans, including the 5k plan and the 10k plan Hope this helps!

      • Thx so much! Yea I’m doing the couch to 5K right now.. I’ll check out the 10K one you suggested after I get the first part under my belt 🙂 can’t wait to work up to your plan… ahhh one year seems so far away, but I know it’ll go fast! So excited! 🙂

  8. I am training for a half marathon that is on the 17th of this month, and with this one and the half marathon I ran in Sept I use Hal Higdon. This training plan looks great too! Lots of running, I def need one more c/t day in there!

  9. This looks great! I am training for a half on March 16 (R’n’R DC), and I’ve been kind of winging it so far…I looked at a bunch of different plans and mentally put one together but nothing official. I have another half the first weekend in May, so I’m going to see how March goes and modify from there

  10. That training plan looks awesome! I’m not currently training for anything but Connor is doing the Tough Mudder in June and I like helping him find different plans to try!

  11. I am in love with oatmeal and strawberries. This sounds right up my alley! Even though Im not training for a half marathon Im considering trying this out, I love having a training plan.

  12. I have a hard time going by any plans, I just have to log what I do in my planner — if I stare at it enough I guilt myself into running more. Or less. Which never happens.

  13. The race I signed up for had a link for half marathon training so I’m using that! It goes by minutes instead miles each day so I’m gunna see how it works! Last time I did it by miles!

  14. Pingback: Crockpot Turkey Chili and a Tuesday Cardio Circuit | Running In Heels

  15. Pingback: The Best Email Ever, Skinny Banana Choc. Chip Muffins & Wednesday’s Circuit Workout | Running In Heels

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